Activity 7 – Weekly coffee morning

Please note: The coffee mornings are currently suspended because of the coronavirus restrictions.

Engaging with the Community for Environmental Benefit

This all started with Skelton Villages Civic Pride holding weekly coffee mornings at the Skelton Civic Hall.   Our aim was, and remains, two-fold:  firstly, to bring together the people of the four villages of Skelton and avoid social isolation; and secondly to help with raising funds to improve our environment.

sth-img-007-img_0446The fruits of this activity are to be seen annually along the whole length of the village, from the green at the Guisborough end to the railway bridge at North Skelton.   The flower displays we produce – the barrels and troughs and the baskets mounted on Skelton’s lamp posts provide a massive improvement to the village.


Since June 2016, our coffee mornings have raised a total of £16,500 to spend on planting and other improvements to the four villages. The coffee mornings are the core of our activities and provide a focus to the related work of seeking sponsorships for as many of our planters as is possible.

We will use this in future when we take on responsibility for maintaining the planting forming part of the public realm works.

If you would like to help publicise our coffee mornings, please download the poster here